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The price of a web development varies and its a function of the complexity, number of pages, and delivery time. Nonetheless, Brainbucks offers one of the cheapest, most affordable web designing opportunity

You may reach us via the following medium

Call: +2348064802518

Whatsapp: +2348064802518

Mail: |

Yes. they are, by far, the best at what they do; which includes web design and development, app design and development, branding, content development and consultancy. One thing you cannot take away from Brainbucks is the fact that, regardless of the affordability, our sites are super-fast, beautiful and highly ranked on google

Retainership is the agreement signed between Brainbucks and a client, to facilitate a year-long maintenance of a website or an app

Retainership Fee varies from a simple website project to a complex one. Nonetheless, the prices are affordable and negotiable in some instances

SEO, stands for Search Engine Optimization; and it entails the tools and techniques we adopt to improve the search ranking and visibility of any website we work on. In other words, when a potential lead searches for your brand/product on google etc, we want to ensure that your site comes up first.

Hosting or hosting account is the server upon which a website is domiciled; and from which the pages can be visited all over the world

Yes, you do. We will need to put your beautiful site on a server; otherwise it cannot be said to be ‘online’.

We major on Android and IOS apps

We are located in Lagos, but our coverage is Nigeria and beyond. In so doing, we can always communicate with potential clients seamlessly to discuss their projects and work progress.

CMS is content management system and its the platform through-which the content of a website can be modified, created and maintained. At Brainbucks, we make use of user-friendly CMSs, that will enable our clients to conduct daily activities on their web pages

If you intend to pursue a career as a web designer in Nigeria, Brainbucks Internet Company is the right fit for you. We are hands-on and practical in our approach to design and development and will certainly guide you through out the hurdles you may come accross. 

You intend to establish your own Online radio in Nigeria? You’re on to the right place! FIrst you will need a recording/live studio, a website, mobile apps and radio staff. We are willing to guide you  through this process a Brainbucks. 

Questions on web design in Nigeria

If your goal is to move your businesses online and start accepting order; then Brainbucks is the right partner for yu. We will help in building a functional website, integrating payment option, facilitating order processing and tracking system and as well, train you on the necessary things to do to keep your ecommerce site running.

Yes, you are on the right path. Having a website is a must for 21st century businesses and millions of potential leads join to internet on a daily basis. Let us help you to bring your website dreams into reality

Absolutely! With industry experience of 9 years and a clientele of over 3oo happy faces globally; Brainbucks is not just a professional web developer but one of the best ones around Lagos.

Absolutely! Every website project comes with unlimited email accounts for your business and brands

We pride ourselves in having a super-niche of clients including;

Churches In Nigeria

Government agencies in Nigeria 

Law firm/Agencies

New businesses(Startup)


NGO Websites

Fashion sales company


Grocery Stores

You intend to establish your own Online radio in Nigeria? You’re on to the right place! FIrst you will need a recording/live studio, a website, mobile apps and radio staff. We are willing to guide you  through this process a Brainbucks. 

Hire us to handle your next project

We are the best hands to help bring you dream to life. Book an appointment with us today, or contact us via the available channels